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Advice to Pet Owners in Sandwell

Date: Tuesday, 28th Apr 2020 | Category: Uncategorised

Advice to pet owners

Sandwell Council is urging all animal owners to follow the latest Government advice.

During the current coronavirus pandemic, the message is clear – ‘stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives’.

For residents who are pet owners or care for other animals, central Government has produced additional guidance.

Sandwell Council Deputy Leader Councillor Maria Crompton said: “As an animal lover myself, I urge everyone who has pets or cares for any animals to visit the GOV.UK website and follow the advice provided.

“Dog owners, like everyone else, are being advised that if you have symptoms of coronavirus, you must remain at home for 7 days and anyone living in your households should stay at home for 14 days.

“If your dog cannot exercise at home, you should ask someone outside of your household to walk your dog for you while also following the important social distancing advice.

“All non-essential trips to vets should be avoided. If your pet needs urgent treatment, you must phone the vet to arrange the best approach to meet your pet’s needs.

“None of us like to be alone and the same is true for our animals. I strongly recommend people follow the guidance provided so that no animal is abandoned. If you cannot cope, please contact family or friends or an animal charity.”

For more information visit